Building Information Certificate applications under Section 149D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act are commonly made when property is being sold and can be from:
- the property owner
- another person, with the property owner’s consent
- the property buyer under a contract of sale, including their solicitor or agent
- a public authority when they have notified the owner.
A building certificate, if approved, confirms that council will not issue an order to repair, demolish or rebuild the property for seven years, under the condition that the premise is in a satisfactory state and has not deteriorated.
For houses and other structures around the house (i.e. Class 1 or 10)
Please refer to page 23-28 of the fees and charges report for the current financial years Building Information Certificate fees.
Additional fees
Please refer to page 23-28 of the fees and charges report for the current financial years Building Information Certificate fees.
If there has been unauthorised building work, additional fee applies.
These fees will be determined by:
- Is there a Development Approval for the unauthorised works? If no, you will be required to pay any fees that would have been required if lodging a new DA (as well as Notification fees)
- You will also be required to pay the fees for Construction Certificate package for the cost of the unauthorised works
Building Information certificate required information
Building Information Certificate Application
All Building Information Certificates (unauthorised works or purpose of sale) need to be lodge via NSW Planning Portal.