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Key Council Documents

Affordable Housing

City of Parramatta Council affirms that adequate housing is a right and recognises that one of the critical barriers relating to housing in the City is affordability. 

Housing affordability is a critical issue for the City of Parramatta and across Greater Sydney. The 2021 Census identified that in Parramatta: 

  • 31% of households in the private rental market were paying greater than 30% of their gross household income on rent
  • 24% of those with a mortgage were paying greater than 30% of their gross household income in mortgage payments. 

Council adopted an Affordable Rental Housing in 2024. This Policy sets Council’s broad direction for increasing the supply of Affordable Rental Housing in the City of Parramatta.

Council has also prepared an Affordable Housing Action Plan to guide urgent and direct action by Council on housing affordability during 2023-2025. The Action Plan establishes Council’s actions, advocacy positions and research areas relating to Affordable Housing.


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