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Domestic and Family Violence

Love Bites Respectful Relationship Program

Love Bites logo


About Love Bites:

Love Bites is a successful Respectful Relationships Education Programs for young people aged 11-17 years. It consists of two interactive workshops: one on Relationship Violence, and one on Sex and Relationships, followed by creative workshops and community campaigns. Love Bites is a flexible model with options to use a full day or multi session delivery approach. The program emphasises the importance of a whole-of-school commitment to respectful relationship education.

Love Bites aims to provide young people with a safe environment to examine, discuss and explore respectful relationships. All Love Bites programming takes a strength-based approach and views young people as active participants who can make choices for themselves and their relationships when supported with information and opportunity for
skill development.

The program is delivered in schools/community settings through a collaborative network of trained service providers from local organisations and schoolteachers known as Love Bites facilitators. The content of the education program and training of new facilitators is coordinated by NAPCAN- the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.

City of Parramatta has trained 15 Love Bites facilitators who will deliver the workshops to local students and young people across the local government area from 2024.

If you are a teacher / Community worker and would like to become a facilitator, please click below link to register


If you are a school / service provider and would like the Love Bites program delivered in your school, community settings please click to register here.


Upcoming events