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Person centred and wellness model

Person Centred and Wellness Research

These Social Role Valorisation (SRV) and other key readings by international leaders are recommended for review by teams and management to guide continuous improvement.

They were essential learning resources for the transformation journey of City of Parramatta's Community Care team to person centred service delivery.

International leaders

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These following leaders’ articles are still used for staff and volunteer learning and continuous improvement of service delivery in working in partnership with people who are older and with a disability:

Wolf Wolfensberger

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No one in the 20 Century has had such a profound impact on the language, content, imagery, integrity, cadre training efforts or literature in the field of developmental disabilities as Wolf Wolfensberger.

It can be said that, given this monumental contribution, mediated through hundreds, and thousands, of human service workers whose efforts and perspectives have been shaped by his direct and indirect teaching, the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of different people, have been transformed. Not a small endowment.

In fact, if there were a Nobel Prize to be given in "Human Services" or "Societal Values", Wolf would be on the very short list for that recognition.

William Bronston MD 2008, In Contemporary Appreciation of a Unique Teacher and Human Being: Wolf Wolfensberger

John O'Brien and Connie Lyle O'Brien

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John, and his wife an partner Connie, have been in the forefront of thinking and creating precedent setting innovations that helped to created full lives for people with disability labels the world over.

In addition to developing many of the planning systems used internationally, training thousands of facilitators and human service workers, they have also been writers with enormous insight and sensitivity. In the table below are some of their books that Inclusion Press has been privileged to publish.

Helen Sanderson

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Helen, along with Lorie Erwin, published a paper on the positive approach to risk and the need to embrace person centred thinking.

Michael Kendrick

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Michael is currently an independent international consultant in human services and community work with a focus on work in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom as well as occasionally in other countries, e.g. Nicaragua, Honduras, Ireland, and Belgium.

His interests, involvements and writings have included leadership, service quality, the creation of safeguards for vulnerable persons, social integration, change, innovation, values, advocacy, the role of individual persons and small groups in creating advances, evaluation, alternatives to bureaucracy, personalised approaches to supporting people, and reform in the human service field amongst others.

He has most consistently worked in the disability, mental health and aged care fields for nearly thirty years but has also occasionally worked in areas such as drug abuse, child protection and community education.

In this work he has occupied a variety of roles including being the Assistant Commissioner for Program Development with the Massachusetts Government, the Director for the Institute for Leadership and Community Development and the Director of the Safeguards Project. He is very active as a public speaker and trainer as well as evaluator, consultant, and advisor to advocates, governments, agencies and community groups.

His masters and doctoral works were in social work and sociology. He regularly teaches at various universities both here and abroad as time allows. He also writes quite extensively and his publications are available upon request. He resides in Massachusetts.

Judith Ellis

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Judith has over 30 years’ experience in social advocacy, systems advocacy, leadership development and service development in England and Australia.

She is known across Australia for her work with families of people with developmental disability, for influencing the direction of policy and for her organisational change credentials.

Jane Sherwin

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Jane has been involved in the lives of people with disability since the late 1970s in a range of service roles and as an academic. She works with groups and organisations on values based quality, person centred approaches and leadership development.

Jane has a strong reputation in working with service providers who are interested in developing responsive services and supports.

Trudy Van Dam

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Trudy Van Dam is an academic working in the area of inclusive education and disability studies at the Australian Catholic University.

Trudy has 20 years’ experience in service provision with 10 years as the CEO of a large service provider. She was responsible for implementing sustainable person centred approaches which brought significant change to the lives of people with disability.

Research readings

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Wolf Wolfensberger, Susan Thomas and Guy Caruso

Some of the Universal “Good Things of Life” Which the Implementation of Social Role Valorization Can Be Expected to Make More Accessible to Devalued People.


  • People who fill roles that are valued in their society are apt to have access to these 17 good things, which are likely to be valued in any culture.
  • Almost everyone would agree that the 17 listed are a big part of the good things in life that everyone would like for him or herself.  
Wolf Wolfensberger

SRV Handbook - A Brief Overview of Social Role Valorisation


The Training Institute for Human Service Planning, Leadership and Change Agentry Syracuse, NYGuidelines of what are essential points for coverage in short presentations of Social Role Valorization 
John Armstrong

The Application of Social Role Valorization in Supporting People with an Intellectual Disability


Michael KendrickVisit YouTube and search "Michael Kendrick" for the latest information.
  • Michael has published many papers and taken many interviews on topics including the ways that people can make a difference, successful strategies in empowering those that utilise services and exploring whether there is an optimal relationship between public bureaucracies and communities.
John Lord
Peggy Hutchison
Pathways to Inclusion - Building a New Story for People and Communities
  • Description of the power relationships between service staff and people supported and how to empower people to take control of their lives.
Helen Sanderson
Lori Erwin

A positive approach to risk requires person centred thinking

Please note; you will need to set up an account, which is free, with Academia.

  • Discusses the question of risk in the lives of people who are supported by human services. It responds to the way in which risk, as it has traditionally been approached by these services, imposes a barrier to social inclusion and to an interesting and productive life. The article proposes an alternative Person-centred risk process. By beginning with a focus on who the person is, their gifts and skills, and offering a positive vision of success, it could be possible to avoid the implied aversion to any form of risk embedded in the traditional approaches and attitudes.
John O'Brien". . . to integrate with non-disabled persons to the fullest extent possible.”

Perspectives On “Most Integrated” Services for People with Developmental Disabilities
  • Covers SRV, social capital & positive psychology as important to integration
John O'BrienSSR: Supporting Social Roles. A second Bottom Line for Services to People with Development Disabilities 
Jane Sherwin

'The Desire for Friendship Comes Quickly, Friendship Does Not': An Exploration of Valued Roles & Relationships

Right relationship and person centred approach

  • A paper presented to a group of older people and workers in agencies that support older people about the link between the nature of the relationship between worker and person, and person centred approaches.
Ronda A. SchultzAgeing and SRV - A challenge for the future 
Ric Thompson - CRU: Community Resource CentreThe Art of Asking
  • The article explains why, when it comes to asking members of the community to stand alongside and with individuals with a disability and their families we enter a period of silence and apprehension. This happens because the pursuit of community inclusion seems to be within the domain of human services rather than society. This is challenged; and it is explained why asking the community is very important and gives tips on how to ask for the involvement of community.

Australian Catholic University (ACU), Ellis MacRae & Associates.

ACU, Faculty of Education

Exploring and Implementing Person Centred Approaches 
Video - City of Parramatta staff talking about delivering services in the new modelPerson Centred and Wellness Model 
Video - Listen to two people we support talk about what they thinkLiving with a Disability: 18 - 64 years
  • Lisa - Under 65
  • Robert (from 2:48) - Over 65

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