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Closed Tenders

ITT07/2023 Riverside Theatres - SSD and Design Excellence Consultancy.

CITY OF PARRAMATTA, INVITATION TO TENDER No. ITT07/2023 Riverside Theatres - SSD and Design Excellence Consultancy.



  • Arup Australia Pty Ltd for $564.000.00 ex GST


  • Arup Australia Pty Ltd
  • RP Infrastructure Pty Ltd
  • TSA Management Pty Ltd


The City of Parramatta Council is located 24 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD and provides a range of goods and services within a local government area (LGA) encompassing some 84 square kilometres and comprises a population of approximately 260,296 people from a range of diverse cultures, lifestyles and experiences.

The city of Parramatta is seeking tender responses from qualified consultants to:

1.     Manage the Design Excellence process to obtain a design for the Riverside Theatre redevelopment. 
2.    Manage the State Significant Development (SSD) planning process to obtain planning approval for the Riverside Theatre redevelopment. 

No pre-tender meeting is proposed, however it is recommended that prospective Tenderers thoroughly review the Specification and Supporting Documents, and if questions arise submit these via the Tenderlink forum or to

REGISTRATION: Tender documents may be obtained from Tenderlink.

ENQUIRIES: Enquiries should be directed to:- 
1.    via the online forum (available on tenderlink) or,
2.    email: (please note that Council requires all enquiries for advice with regard to a specific tender to be submitted in writing.)

Please Note: The Tender Forum, both Tenderlink & closes 2 business days before the Tender closing date.

Completed responses can be submitted via the electronic tender box on Tenderlink by 10.00am Wednesday, 22 March 2023. 

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Tenders close at 10.00am, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 and submissions must be fully received by this time.

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