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Closed Tenders

ITT 22/2023 Maintenance of Stormwater Assets

ITT 22/2023 Maintenance of Stormwater Assets

Closing Date/Time: 13/10/2023 10am

Submissions received from: (listed alphabetically)

  • Aqua Assets Pty Ltd
  • Australian Pipeline Management Pty Ltd
  • Infrastructure Renewal Services Pty Ltd
  • Interflow Pty Limited
  • Online Pipe & Cable Locating
  • Optimal Stormwater Pty Ltd
  • Pipe Management Australia Pty Ltd
  • Pipeline Watertech Pty Ltd
  • TDM Pipeline Solutions Pty Ltd
  • Total Drain Cleaning Services Pty Ltd T/A TDG Environmental (TDG)
  • Urban Asset Solutions Pty Ltd


The City of Parramatta Council is located 24 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD and provides a range of goods and services within a local government area (LGA) encompassing some 84 square kilometres and comprises a population of approximately 260,296 people from a range of diverse cultures, lifestyles and experiences.


Tenders are invited from experienced contractors to maintain a range of different stormwater quality, storage and conveyance assets for a term of three (3) years with a two (2) year optional (1+1) extension subject to satisfactory performance. 

These works are divided into eleven (11) parts of which tenderers may apply for one or more parts. They include undertaking: 
1.    Maintenance of end-of-pipe or in-stream pollutant control traps e.g. floating booms, trash racks; and fishway grates; 
2.    Manual litter and bulky flood debris removal by either manual labour, boat access or machinery; 
3.    Removal of sediment and associated vegetation from in-stream channels as well as flood detention basins and sediment basins, including some in sensitive areas; 
4.    Inspection and maintenance of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) assets including rainwater tanks & stormwater harvesting systems; and vegetated systems such as rain gardens & constructed wetland ponds;
5.    Education / jetting services to remove storm debris from underground GPTs, blocked pits and ability to remove polluted water resulting from spills or pollution events; 
6.    Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) inspections of stormwater drainage infrastructure including pipes and pits; 
7.    Repair and rehabilitation of stormwater conveyance assets such as pipe bursting, pipe re-lining, patching, cutting/grinding and joint sealing;
8.    Recovery and reuse of solid waste generated by maintenance of stormwater assets and residential street sweeping;
9.    Stormwater Asset Auditing services – condition and performance ratings;
10.    Minor Civil Works - including but not limited to a 2 or 3-man crew carrying out minor civil works such as pit repairs and modifications, pit construction, pipe repairs, backfilling of voids and restoration works, and Emergency Response; and
11.    Utility Service Locating - Handheld services locator; Non-destructive excavation; Ground penetrating radar (GPR); Survey work – total station or Global Positioning System (GPS); Computer Aided Drafting (CAD).

No pre-tender meeting is proposed, however it is recommended that prospective Tenderers visit the project site to confirm 'scope of work', and if questions arise submit these via the Tenderlink forum or to


Tender documents may be obtained (see Tenderlink).


Enquiries should be directed to:- 
1.    via the online forum (see Tenderlink) or,
2.    email: (please note that Council requires all enquiries for advice with regard to a specific tender to be submitted in writing.)

Please Note: The Tender Forum, both Tenderlink & closes 2 business days before the Tender closing date.

Completed responses can be submitted via the electronic tender box via Tenderlink by 10.00am Friday, 13th October 2023. 


Tenders close at 10.00am, Friday, 13th October 2023 and submissions must be fully received by this time. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted, and any action or contact that may be considered as an attempt to influence a decision of Councillors or Staff shall disqualify the relevant tender. Late, verbal or emailed submissions will not be accepted.

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