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Detached & Secondary Dwellings, Dual Occupancies, Villas & Multi-dwelling housing

This section applies to development applications for:

  • new single detached/secondary dwelling developments
  • new dual occupancy developments
  • new villa developments and multi-dwelling housing where 3 or more dwellings are on the same parcel of land, each with access at ground level including town houses
  • amendments to existing multi-dwellings housing developments that will significantly affect waste generation and/or management.


Applicants are required to complete Stage 3 of City of Parramatta's Waste Management Plan Template. This plan must address:

  • expected volumes and types of waste to be generated from use of the site. Waste generation rates of 80 Litres/unit/week for general garbage and 40 Litres/unit/week for co-mingled recycling should be applied when calculating this figure

  • details of how this waste will be stored on site, including provisions for the separation of general waste, recycling and garden organics

  • details of how ongoing management of waste will be conducted e.g. care-taker, tenant as part of lease agreement.

Site plans and drawings

Applicants will need to submit plans with their application which show:

  • location of an indoor waste or recycling cupboard for each dwelling
  • location and design of an on-site bin storage area.


Each dwelling must be provided with an indoor waste/recycling cupboard that is large enough to accommodate a single days waste and provides for the separation of garbage and recycling.

Single detached dwellings, dual occupancies, and villas/townhouses with less than 8 units must provide individual bin storage areas. The area must be capable of accommodating City of Parramatta’s waste, recycling and green waste bins.

The waste bin storage area is to be located on the ground level for these developments.

Multi-dwelling housing developments containing 8 or more units, a communal storage area is required. Storage area/s must be located so as to not adversely affect the amenity of the premises, must not immediately adjoin private open space, windows or clothes drying areas, must be provided with water supply (tap) and drainage facilities (to sewer) for cleaning. If enclosed the area must also have lighting and ventilation also.

The size is to be calculated on the basis of waste generation rates and proposed bin sizes. The table below outlines communal bin area bin and room size requirements. Please contact City of Parramatta's Waste Management Team to discuss options for appropriate bin configurations.

Requirements for communal bin areas

Bin Capacity (L)

140L 240L 360L or larger
Bin Dimensions (m²)

Height: 0.962
Width: 0.536m
Depth: 0.615m

Height: 1.060m
Width: 0.730m
Depth: 0.585m
Height: 1.1m
Width: 0.680m
Depth: 0.848m

Size of storage area for all bin sizes

Design storage areas so that there is easy access for residents and caretakers including allowance for the manoeuvrability of bins including minimum aisle space of 1.2m. Area must be large enough to accommodate all waste generated. e.g. number of bins x size of bins + space for manoeuvrability. Please see Appendix A of the DECC “Best Practice Guide for Waste Management in Multi-unit Dwellings” 2008 for layouts of bin storage areas.

Where bins are to be placed on the kerb for collection a suitable location must be provided where individual bins can be placed in a position where a distance of 1m is allowed between other bins and obstacles such as parked cars or trees. 3.5m must be provided between the top of the bin and overhead power lines.

Bins are to be placed out on a kerb for collection no earlier than the night before a collection, and must be returned to the storage area on the premises no later the night after the collection. Between collection days, all waste and recycling generated on the premises must be contained within the designated bins secured closed with lids and stored within the designated waste storage area.

Dwelling occupants are responsible for moving bins to and from the kerb for collection where each dwelling has their own bins.

Where bins are shared between residents signage indicating the appropriate use of bins must be provided and a caretaker appointed who is responsible for managing waste including:

  • moving of bins to and from the collection point
  • washing of bins
  • keeping the bin area clean and tidy.

To avoid impact on pedestrian safety and traffic congestion during collection periods, only developments that contain up to 8 dwellings should present their bins for kerbside collection.

Developments containing more than 8 dwellings are required to have an on-site storage and collection point. Where on-site collection is not possible or impractical, kerbside collection for more than 8 dwellings may be supported where it is demonstrated that there will be no adverse impact on safety, traffic flows and amenity.

In the case where bins are not presented kerbside, City of Parramatta shall determine the need for either on site access by collection vehicles or the requirement for bins to be wheeled to an agreed collection point for servicing. The transfer of bins to a collection point and their return can either be the responsibility of as caretaker or body corporate, or can be arranged by Council in accordance with Council adopted Fees and Charges.

City of Parramatta does not usually offer services to private roads or building basements. However, City of Parramatta may provide on-site collection and enter private property with vehicles, but this would require prior approval and the transfer of an authorised easement restricted to the common property on the strata plan (see Terms of Easement). The easement would provide indemnity against liabilities, losses, damages and other costs arising from the on-property collection service provided.

Where on-property collection is required to service the development, adequate and safe access must be provided for City of Parramatta’s Standard Waste Collection Vehicles as follows:

  • the site must be designed to allow collection vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward direction and to adequately manoeuver once on-site
  • the route of travel for the waste vehicle is to be of sufficient strength and quality to support a standard waste collection vehicle
  • the minimum basement height must be 3.5m clearance for Small Rigid Vehicles (SRV) access (for up to 5 storeys residential height) and 4.5m basement height clearance for Heavy Rigid Vehicles (HRV) access into residential developments of 6 storeys or greater, as well as mixed use and commercial and industrial developments; and
  • the grades of entry and exit ramps and manoeuvrability (including turning circles) must not exceed the capabilities of the waste collection vehicle and are to comply with AS2890.2 Parking Facilities: Off-Street Commercial Vehicle Facilities.

Applicants should contact City of Parramatta's Waste Services section to confirm truck sizes and advise of current servicing arrangements.


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