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Peggy Womersley Reserve Sports Pavilion Upgrade

Latest News May 2024


Peggy Womersley Reserve (Kingsdene Oval), Carlingford - Playground Upgrade and Associated Landscaping

In early April, the City of Parramatta began work on the construction of the new playground and associated landscaping around the new sporting pavilion at Peggy Womersley Reserve.

Early in the program, contractors discovered fragments of cement board which may contain asbestos. These ‘fibro’ fragments were buried within the soil, and were not observed during geotechnical investigations that occurred before works began.

Due to the construction program, the section of the reserve was already closed to the public, and this served as a protective exclusion zone. However, as a precautionary measure, Council stopped work and engaged an environmental consultant to review the asbestos risk, and determine how works can safely continue.

Works to continue with appropriate safety controls

Testing carried out on the found materials confirmed that they are classified as “non-friable”.

Works areas will remain fenced to the public. To ensure any asbestos containing materials found within the soils are properly handled, work will proceed under the direction of a qualified environmental consultant, and with the assistance of licensed asbestos professionals.

Safety controls throughout the works include:

  • the use of air-quality monitoring
  • the application of dust suppression techniques
  • the use of all appropriate personal protective equipment, as required by NSW SafeWork.

Affected soils will be removed off site to an appropriate facility by licensed removalists.

Any affected soils remaining onsite will be appropriately capped and contained to prevent future exposure.  


As a result of these finds and the work necessary to address them, playground works are now expected to be complete in July 2024, subject to weather and site conditions.

For further information about the project, please visit Council’s website, or contact the Peggy Womersley project team via email or call 1300 617 058.


Project Update April 2024


Peggy Womersley Reserve (Kingsdene Oval), Carlingford - Playground and Associated Landscaping

In early April 2024, the City of Parramatta began work on the construction of the new playground
and associated landscaping around the new sporting pavilion at Peggy Womersley Reserve, Carlingford.

The 12-week program was to include removal of the existing playground and installation of a new children’s playground closer to the playing fields, seating, retaining walls, landscaping and shade trees throughout.

Work paused due to unexpected finds- asbestos

Early in the program specialist contractors discovered fragments of fibre cement board which may contain asbestos. These ‘fibro’ fragments were not observed during geotechnical investigations that occurred before works began.

Due to the construction program, the section of the reserve was already closed to the public, and this served as a protective exclusion zone. However, as a precautionary measure, we have temporarily stopped works and engaged an environmental consultant to review the asbestos risk.

What happens next?

An asbestos management plan is being prepared which will include controls such as the use of air-quality monitors. It will also identify any further exclusion zones across the site that may be required when work resumes.

Asbestos can only pose a threat to human health if its fibres can become airborne, and be inhaled. This find poses a minimal risk to the community as the works were taking place in an area not accessible by the public and the fibro fragments were found buried within the soil with works paused when the material was found.

To ensure that construction of the playground can safely continue, an appropriately qualified contractor will be engaged to manage the excavation, capping, and where appropriate, removal, of affected soils.

As a result of this find, and the anticipated asbestos management works required, it is likely that the completion of the playground construction works will be delayed. City of Parramatta will advise of any changes to the construction program, once confirmed.  


City of Parramatta Council proposes to upgrade the sports pavilion building at Peggy Womersley Reserve. The project involves:

  • Demolition of the existing single storey sports pavilion building,
  • Installation of new two storey sports pavilion building including:
    • player and referees change rooms,
    • club storage facilities,
    • kiosk,
    • public toilet facilities,
    • community room,
    • covered viewing deck (only accessible to building hirers)
  • Associated landscape works including paths to meet requirements of disabled access, lighting and garden bed planting

Why is the existing building being replaced?

The current building no longer satisfies the requirements of local sporting user groups (notably inadequate changing facilities and a lack of storage) and the community. The building is also experiencing problems as an aging asset (including flooding and water seepage) and no longer meets current building standards.

Works have been proposed under standard asset renewal programs to ensure Council facilities meet the needs of the community now and into the future.

What will this mean for you?

The sports field at Peggy Womersley Reserve will remain operational for the duration of the proposed works, however, sections of the park will be required for storage of machinery and materials.

The park and surrounds will experience higher amounts of vehicle movement. Vehicle movement will be controlled by construction contractors in locations of potential conflict with pedestrians and other vehicular traffic.

All works will be conducted during standard daylight hours (7am-6pm Monday to Friday; and 8am – 1pm on Saturdays). There will be no work on Sundays or public holidays.

More information

Should you have any queries please contact Council’s Senior Open Space and Natural Resources Officer at or call 1300 617 058.


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