Child Safe Community Code of Conduct
City of Parramatta has proudly developed a Child Safe Community Code of Conduct in partnership with our community. This Code is important to Council's child safe approach and framework. The Code identifies the expected behaviours and attitudes of all adults when interacting with children and young people at any of Council's facilities, services and programs.
Council’s Child Safe Community Code of Conduct supports the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations which outline the importance of having effective systems in place to ensure the organisation is safe for children and young people. Having clear rules and expectations of how adults are expected to interact with children works to prevent child abuse and encourage reporting.
You can view the code below and see it displayed at Council facilities. The Code applies to anyone using a Council facility, service or venue. This code establishes a collective approach to child safety at all of council's facilities because keeping children safe is a shared responsibility.
If a child or group of children is in immediate Risk of Significant Harm (ROSH) contact Police on 000
If you need to report a crime or (non-urgent Police Assistance) contact your local Police on 131 444 or call Crimestoppers https://nsw.crimestoppers.com.au/ on 1800 333 000
In the case of non emergency child related concerns or reports please email Councils Child Safe Triage Team via email; childsafe@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au or via phone 9806 5021
Child Safe Community Code of Conduct
The safety of children is the primary concern in this Code of Conduct and reporting may come in several forms, from parents, carers, children, and community members. This Code of Conduct applies to all people and organisations using a Council facility or service including City of Parramatta Council Early Learning Centres, Libraries, Community Centres, Facilities, Recreation Centres and Venues for hire.
For the purpose of Council’s Child Safe Framework, a child is defined as anyone under 18 years of age.
We will:
- Treat children and young people with respect and value their ideas and opinions.
- Act as positive role models in our conduct with children and young people.
- Avoid any unnecessary physical contact with a child or young person.
- Contact the police if a child is at immediate risk of harm – phone 000.
- Report any suspicions based on reasonable grounds that a child or young person is at risk of significant harm. Report to a Council staff member or the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111.
We will not:
- Shame, humiliate, dominate, belittle or degrade children or young people.
- Unlawfully discriminate against any child.
- Engage in any activity with a child or young person that is likely to physically or emotionally harm them.
- Intentionally undress in front of or expose yourself in any way to a child.
- Flirt with or make any suggestion of sexual meaning to a child.
- Make jokes or suggestions of a sexual nature.
- Develop a ‘special’ relationship or groom a specific child or young person for our own needs.
- Photograph or video a child or young person without the child's consent and their parent/s or guardian/s.
- Engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children.
- Use inappropriate language in the presence of children.
- Force a child to do something against their will.
- Have unnecessary contact with a child outside of your care or responsibility.
- Use mobile phones for photography or video recording in changerooms or toilet facilities.
- Record, store or distribute images of or information about a child or young person outside of what consent has been obtained for.
- Silence or discourage the reporting of misconduct.
- Interact with Children or Young People while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.