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Parramatta Light Rail

Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2

Latest news


December 2024

Parramatta Light Rail has begun investigation works in Melrose Park and Wentworth Point to help inform design of the NSW Government's Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2. While the Ermington Boat Ramp will remain open, these works will impact the Ermington Boat Ramp Car Park, with some parking spaces unavailable. Investigation works will continue through to early-2025.

There will be no weekend work or work on public holidays.

More information:
For more information visit   call the PLR 24-hour community information  line on 1800 139 389 or email:

Other Stage 2 News

With the official launch of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 scheduled on 20 December 2024, the NSW Government has renewed its commitment to Stage 2 reiterating the $2 billion provided to start building the second stage of the Parramatta light rail, adding another 10 kilometres of track to extend it to Sydney Olympic Park.

Construction of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will be delivered in phases, starting with the Enabling Works – the first 1.3km of new light rail alignment, including a 320m bridge over the Parramatta River between Wentworth Point and Melrose Park.

As previously advised (see below), construction of the bridge will begin in 2025.

No completion date for stage two has been set.

More information:
For more information see, call the PLR 24-hour community information  line on 1800 139 389 or email:


Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail

Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail will connect the Parramatta CBD to Ermington, Melrose Park, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park. It will also connect to Sydney Metro West, the heavy rail in Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park, and ferry services at Rydalmere and Sydney Olympic Park.


Artist Impressions: 1. Boronia Street Ermington, 2. Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park, 3. Light Rail near Carter Street, 4. New Bridge from Melrose Park.


View Maps


    (Click to enlarge map.)



    The new map confirms the preferred Stage 2 route which will travel south of the Parramatta River, through Camellia in the proposed Camellia-Rosehill Precinct, before crossing the river to Rydalmere(Click to enlarge map.)


More information contact Parramatta Light Rail

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If you have questions for Council about this project you can get in touch at


Previous updates (Back to top)

Previous updates
  • Construction of new bridge for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 to start in 2025

    Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 is one step closer, with a $322 million contract awarded to John Holland Pty Ltd to deliver the first 1.3-kilometre section of the project, including the construction of a 320-metre bridge over the Parramatta River.

    The future bridge between Melrose Park and Wentworth Point will carry buses, light rail, pedestrians and cyclists over the Parramatta River. The bridge will form part of an integrated public and active transport corridor, improving connectivity for the rapidly growing communities on both sides of the river.

    Design and early works for the project will begin later this year, with major bridge construction to begin in 2025. Surrounding public spaces, including Archer Park, will also be upgraded as part of the project.

    The bridge will be a key part of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 network, which will include 9.5 kilometres of walking and cycling paths once fully completed. 

    Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will link with Stage 1, connecting the Parramatta CBD to Sydney Olympic Park via Camellia, Rydalmere, Ermington, Melrose Park, and Wentworth Point, with 14 stops planned over 10-kilometres.

    For more information, visit: 


  • The NSW Government has  announced a significant update on Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2. 

    The NSW Budget, to be announced on 18 June 2024, will include additional funding for Stage 2 allowing construction to start in this term of government with a projected completion date of 2032.

    Council has advocated long and hard for certainty of this critical project and this is very welcome news!

    See link to media release below:

    Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Factsheets

    Precinct factsheets for Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail are now available.

    The factsheets outline the expected benefits of light rail and the potential impacts of construction and operations in each of the seven precincts along the alignment, including Camellia, Ermington, Wentworth Point, Melrose Park, Rydalmere, Sydney Olympic Park and Carter Street.

    See the Parramatta Light Rail library for all factsheets.

  • Following $200million funding allocated in the State Budget, activity on PLR2 is gaining momentum.

    As of early October, the PLR Stage 2 project will begin assessments of use local boat ramp use to assist the project in planning mitigation measures for the closure of the Ermington boat ramp.

    Teams will assess parking for boat trailers at Kissing Point, Ermington, Silverwater and Rhodes boat ramps, with contractors counting the cars with boat trailers in each of the boat ramp formal car parks as well as those in on and off-street parking.

    The assessment will be undertaken across a range of days, generally between Thursdays and Sundays including public and school holidays. The count will continue until April next year.

    The aim of the assessment is to understand parking capacity, repeat visitation and movement of the boating community around the ramps to assist in planning for the closure of the Ermington boat ramp.

    How to know if you’ve been counted? Visitors will find a ‘calling card’.

    For the latest PLR Stage 2 information visit the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 website. 



  • Have Your Say on Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2

    Environmental Impact Statement

    The NSW Government is inviting residents to have a say on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2. Your comments will help shape the final design for this once-in-a-generation transport project. 

    The public exhibition of the EIS is a vital part of the planning process and provides the perfect opportunity for you to learn more about the project and have your say.

    The EIS is open for comment until Friday 16 December 2022.

    For more information about the project, including how to make a submission, visit the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 virtual engagement room, or attend a Parramatta Light Rail information session.

  • Development work for Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail is underway. Stage 2 is planned to connect Stage 1 and Parramatta’s CBD to Sydney Olympic Park via Camellia, Rydalmere, Ermington, Melrose Park and Wentworth Point. 

    From Monday 11 July, geotechnical investigations within the Parramatta River are set to begin. The work which will require surveying boat and ferry access will focus on the water main bridge, between Rydalmere and Camellia and between the Ermington boat ramp and Louise Sauvage Pathway.

    The geology, terrain and subsurface conditions along the proposed alignment will be assessed and soil and water samples will be analysed for contamination and other conditions.

    Activities will include:
     • Site setup of the barge and buoys
     • Identifying and physically locating services including watermains, gas and electricity
     • Borehole drilling and geophysical investigation. 


    An exclusion zone will be set up around the barge and the location advised to Sydney Vessel Traffic Service. Access for vessels will be maintained at all times.

  • NSW Government commits to Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 - ‘a win for the community’

    The NSW Government has announced that $602.4m will be committed in the budget to move ahead with the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 megaproject.

    City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Donna Davis has welcomed the NSW Government’s commitment to proceed with the delivery of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2.

    “This is fantastic news for the City of Parramatta and the communities who live and work in some of Australia’s fastest-growing suburbs,” Cr Davis said.

    “Council has long advocated for the State Government to extend the Parramatta Light Rail line to Sydney Olympic Park, Wentworth Point and Melrose Park, so today’s announcement is pleasing”.

    Have your say!
    Consultation on Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 closes 26 June 2022

    The NSW Government is undertaking community consultation on PLR Stage 2 until Sunday 26 June 2022. Visit the NSW Government’s Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Virtual Engagement Room to access the ‘Have your say’ survey.

  • NSW Government begins community consultation on Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2. Have your say before 26 June

    As part of the business case for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 (PLR2), the NSW Government is now inviting community feedback on the proposal, including the location of proposed stops.

    City of Parramatta Council has long advocated for a light rail network that includes the communities in Sydney Olympic Park, Wentworth Point and Melrose Park, which are in desperate need of better transport connections.

    City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Donna Davis has welcomed plans to seek the community’s input on the preferred route.

    “With so many people relying on public transport to get to or from work, school or study, I encourage everyone to provide feedback to the NSW Government and have their voices heard on this vital piece of infrastructure”, Cr Davis said.

    The consultation period is open from Monday 2 May to Sunday 26 June 2022. Visit the NSW Government’s Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Virtual Engagement Room to access the ‘Have your say’ survey.

    Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail project includes 15 stop locations from Camellia to Sydney Olympic Park and will connect to the future Metro West and heavy rail in Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park, and ferry services at Rydalmere and Wentworth Point.

    Visit the NSW Government site to provide your feedback.

    See the Minister for Transport’s media release: PDF (419.91 KB)


  • Have your say on PLR Stage 2

    The NSW Government has committed $50 million to continue planning and development work for PLR Stage 2 and Transport for NSW is seeking community feedback on the social impact of the project.

    Proposed to connect PLR Stage 1 and Parramatta’s Central Business District (CBD) to Ermington, Melrose Park, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park, PLR Stage 2 is planned to have 10 to 12 stops over a 10 kilometre two-way track.

    PLR Stage 2 will have travel times of around 30 minutes from Sydney Olympic Park to Camellia, and the Parramatta CBD and the project would also deliver new and improved walking and cycling links along the rail corridor.

    Have your say on PLR Stage 2

    Take the 10 minute survey before 5.00pm, Friday 28 January 2022


    Artists Impression - PLR Stage 2 Melrose Park to Wentworth Point

  • City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Bob Dwyer has welcomed the NSW Government’s commitment to invest $50 million in Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 planning in its upcoming 2021-22 NSW Budget. 

    “Parramatta Light Rail is a game-changing transport project for the City of Parramatta and it’s fantastic to see the NSW Government committing to planning for Stage 2,” Cr Dwyer said. 

    “City of Parramatta Council has long advocated for a light rail network that includes Sydney Olympic Park with a direct interchange to Sydney Metro West, ferries and the existing heavy rail network.

  • Lord Mayor calls for NSW Government to prioritise Light Rail Stage 2


    City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Bob Dwyer has called on the NSW Government to deliver on its commitment to construct Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 following media reports that the project is in doubt.

    Three years ago, the NSW Government announced its preferred route for Stage 2 which would connect the Parramatta CBD and Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 with Ermington, Melrose Park, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park.

    Council stands with other key groups in advocating for Stage 2 and calls on the Premier’s continued commitment to provide the infrastructure to support growth in the area.

  • City of Parramatta Council has called for Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail to go ahead following recent media reports suggesting the project is in doubt.

    The second stage of the Parramatta Light Rail project is crucial for the City of Parramatta as it will play a significant role in connecting the City's newer neighbourhoods to the CBD. It will also link these suburbs with key public transport hubs, including future Metro stations.

    Extending from the Parramatta CBD to Sydney Olympic Park, Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 is expected to connect developing suburbs such as Ermington, Melrose Park and Wentworth Point.

  • The NSW Government announced the preferred route for Stage 2 of Parramatta Light Rail linking Sydney Olympic Park and Wentworth Point with Rydalmere, and the Parramatta CBD.

    The service will provide a much-needed public transport link to support the future growth of the Parramatta Local Government area.

    The nine kilometre preferred route will extend from Carter Street, Lidcombe through Sydney Olympic Park and Wentworth Point before crossing the Parramatta River to Melrose Park, Ermington, and Rydalmere.

    Stage 2 is proposed to have 10-12 stops with travel times of around 25 minutes from Olympic Park to Camellia and a further eight minutes to the Parramatta CBD.

    Stage 2 will be further developed and informed by consultation with the community and stakeholders.

    A final business case will be prepared with an investment decision and details on the timing and construction to follow in late 2018.

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